Stroom Den Haag launched the "Positions" program line in 2022. This ongoing program provides a platform for Hague-based talent. It is a continuation of earlier programs at Stroom, such as Ondertussen and OpZicht. Positions showcases the work of artists based in The Hague, presenting both new and in-progress works to highlight the broad diversity of their practices. Throughout the year, alongside exhibitions, there is also room for artistic research, experimental presentations, lectures, performances, and much more.
Below you can find the overview of all activities related to Positions.
Group exhibition featuring Lakisha Apostel, Elvis Chen, Filipp Groubnov, and Wessel Verrijt. The artists transform the space of Stroom Den Haag into a theatrical stage. To the classical eye, this may appear as a random arrangement of objects, but closer inspection reveals a deliberate artistic method.
Positions: Soft Intimacies is a group exhibition featuring five artists from The Hague, working at the intersection of spirituality, ecology, cultural heritage, and oral history. New Suns is the closing program of this exhibition.
With Positions: Afterlives, Stroom introduces an ongoing event series in which artists depict the lasting impact of the Dutch and The Hague's colonial past. Which factors, stories, and systems shape our current environment and reality, and how do these legacies persist in the present? In other words, what are the afterlives of The Hague's colonial history?
With Positions: Elsewheres, Stroom presents a group exhibition featuring the work of five international artists based in The Hague. They showcase works that are connected to the here and now of the city, while simultaneously relating to 'elsewheres'.
Positions: Time-Based offers a platform to artists from The Hague who have previously engaged with Stroom's stimulating program. Positions: Situated is the accompanying public program.