Stroom for everyone

Stroom Den Haag is a center of expertise for art, society and the public domain. Together with contemporary artists, we unlock the culture of living together, explore future-oriented social perspectives and stimulate the audience's imagination. 

This mission is embedded in three areas of work: (1) we advise on, and facilitate art in public space and the public domain; (2) we stimulate artists and initiatives from The Hague as part of the specific context of the city; and (3) we present artistic and socially relevant program for various audiences and publics on site, in The Hague and with partners at home and abroad. These three fields of activities exist equally and are interconnected.

In 1990 Stroom was founded as an independent foundation. The name Stroom was chosen because it stands for energy and movement.

Stroom Den Haag is generously supported by the City of The Hague. The program is structurally supported in part by the Mondriaan Fund. For each project and/or exhibition, we are also supported by various other funds.