Ellen Yiu Kwan Kit, 'The rest of it is stillness', installation view at Stroom foto: Myung Feyen, courtesy Stroom Den Haag

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Stroom Den Haag takes great care in maintaining our website and keeping all information as accurately and up to date as possible. However, it is possible that the published information is incomplete or incorrect. Stroom accepts no liability for the damage resulting from the content, functionality or distribution of said information or for technical malfunctioning. This also applies to the website or documents of third parties referred to.

The content of this website www.stroom.nl is protected by copyright. Unless permitted by Dutch law the content may not (in whole or in part) be reproduced without the prior written consent of Stroom Den Haag, modified and / or made public, or used improperly.
Visitors to Stroom or participants to our activities may be photographed. These images are used solely to signify our policy and our program. If you believe that we use these images wrongfully or incorrectly, please state this to us in writing.

Stroom The Hague handles the images placed on our website with the utmost care. Should it nevertheless occur that a picture has been posted in violation of copyright, please contact communicatie@stroom.nl.

More information on the way we handle personal data can be found in our privacy policy.

Third parties that add materials to www.haagsekunstenaars.nl and www.thehagueartists.nl are and always remain the owner to the images and texts that are uploaded. They give permission to Stroom Den Haag to host the uploaded materials and to make it available for a wide audience. Stroom maintains the right to refuse or remove uploaded materials.
If you think that your rights have been infringed upon we ask you to contact us immediately. Please send an e-mail to hknl@stroom.nl.

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