Positions: Elsewheres foto: design: Mary Ponomareva
Positions: Elsewheres
Exhibition with works by 5 international artists based in The Hague: Andrius Arutiunian, Louis Braddock Clarke & Zuza Zgierska, Iliada Charalambous, Anastastija (Nastija) Kiake, and Narges Mohammadi.
Location: Stroom, Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
When: 25 February - 2 July 2023
Open: Wednesday - Sunday, 12:00 - 17:00 hrs
This spring Stroom presents the work of 5 international artists based in The Hague. In this edition of Positions - Elsewheres - the artists Andrius Arutiunian, Louis Braddock Clarke & Zuzanna Zgierska, Iliada Charalambous, Anastastija (Nastija) Kiake, and Narges Mohammadi present new and recent work. They show works that are connected to the here and now in the city, but at the same time relate to "elsewheres". Those places can be community centers, national borders or even outer space. Starting point for the artists is The Hague; the city that, as an (inter)national center of power and authority, derives its identity largely from its relationship to other places.
Andrius Arutiunian examines specific algorithms based on facial micro-expression used in EU border surveillance; Louis Braddock-Clarke and Zuzanna Zgierska auction off slices of a reproduced meteorite, questioning the appropriation of materials from space; Iliada Charalambous, on the basis of numerous conversations with neighbors, proposes a way for local communities to organize themselves; Narges Mohammadi, with her sculpture, presents a proposal for a monument to the changing character of The Hague's working-class neighborhoods; and Anastastastija (Nastija) Kiake has researched addresses of arms dealers in The Hague to question the "militarization" of the Dutch landscape. With the works, the artists question the definition of "the public domain". They highlight processes and systems that may be hiding in plain sight. In doing so, they reflect on issues both national and international. They invite the audience to examine their own position towards these current issues.
>> andriusarutiunian.com
>> louisbraddockclarke.co.uk
>> iliadacharalambous.net
>> anastasijakiake.com
>> nargesmohammadi.com
Positions offers a stage for talent from The Hague. With this program line, Stroom presents new and existing work by visual artists from The Hague, thus showing the great diversity of their practice. Besides exhibitions, there is also room for artistic research, experimental presentations, lectures, performances and other activities.
More about the public program Positions
08 March 2023 - HOOGTIJ #76
15 March 2023 - Resistant Readings
17 April 2023 - Death by Landscape
13 May 2023 - Border (Dis)placements
The exhibition Positions: Elsewheres is made possible with the support of the city of The Hague.