Trevor Paglen 'Seeing Secrecy'


Location: lobby Stroom, Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
Part of See You in The Hague

See also:
public lecture 'Seeing Secrecy' by Trevor Paglen on Friday, May 30, 2014, 5 pm.

Presentation of images and flags by American geographer, artist and investigative journalist Trevor Paglen.

Every secret military mission strives for invisibility, but nevertheless leaves certain physical traces: a rendition aircraft carrying suspects of terrorist activities has to be refueled and even clandestine prisons are made of concrete and steel. Trevor Paglen follows the trail in public archives: with his international network of amateur airplane spotters he traces illegal flights. Using high-tech lenses developed for space travel and material that is readily available on the internet, Paglen reveals the 'secret state in the state'. A state that is infiltrating our public and private lives more and more.

The opening is preceded by a private Masterclass and the public lecture 'Seeing Secrecy' by Trevor Paglen.

De Correspondent, 16 June 2014 (in Dutch)



