Trevor Paglen public lecture 'Seeing Secrecy'

January 28, 2009, the first day of Barack Obama's presidency, looked like the dawn of a new era: Guantánamo Bay and other clandestine prisons would be closed, the secret program of rendition flights would be evaluated. If Obama had kept his promise, the research of the geographer, artist and investigative journalist Trevor Paglen into the ‘secret state within the state' would have lost its urgency. But since that day this 'black world', as defense and intelligence specialists call it, has transformed the public and also private life of citizens into a political minefield. Trevor Paglen sheds some light on the secret state during his lecture preceding the opening of his presentation at Stroom Den Haag.

Earlier this day Trevor Paglen wil hold a private masterclass 'Seeing Machines' (12-16 hrs)



