Foto: Hein van Liempd, courtesy Stroom Den Haag

See You in The Hague

Location: Stroom Den Haag and various other locations in The Hague
When: September 2013 - December 2023

See You in The Hague
is a multifaceted narrative about the ambitions and reality of The Hague as International City of Peace and Justice.

"See You in The Hague,"
Palestinians yell at the Israeli border guards taking aim at them. But ‘See You in The Hague,' could also be the slogan of a The Hague's city marketing brochure, in the hope of luring tourists to the royal city by the sea. The cultural program See You in The Hague sheds light on both the bright and dark side of a city that not only is the royal capital and seat of the Dutch government, but since 2012 also bears the motto of Peace and Justice in its coat of arms. The city of The Hague hosts more than 160 organizations that are actively concerned with peace and justice, the majority of which are accommodated in heavily guarded buildings in the so-called International Zone. The residential areas in this zone are marked by a disproportionate number of high fences, security cameras and police posts. The Hague invests a great deal of energy in promoting itself as an international City of Peace and Justice. The complex situation of the city's public image on the one hand and its self-image on the other, of both justice and peace and conflict, of constructive contributions to world peace that sometimes have destructive consequences for the quality of life in some areas of the city, of operating on the world stage and switching to the local stage, of a comfortable peace and an uncomfortable security, of an open society and closed zones - is a complexity that returns in many guises in See You in The Hague.

See You in The Hague consists of:


UN Youth Impact - Mural
In the course of 2021

The impact of the work at international organizations in The Hague extends far beyond what we imagine it to be. In 2021, Stroom is partnering with local youth organization UN Youth Impact to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 goals require input from young people from around the world. A large mural by the artist duo Karski & Beyond depicts what themes the youth of The Hague would like to see on the UN agenda. 

>> Follow UnYouthImpact on Instagram

>> Fill out the questionaire which topics you would like to be represented on the mural

Informal Justice Court
From April 2021

Working closely with Nigerian scientists, artists, theater makers, NGOs, lawyers and awaiting trial prisoners, Aardschap Foundation (Dr. Joost van Onna and Melle Smets) is building a moot court in Ikoyi: the Informal Justice Court. The stories of the participating prisoners will be turned into a theater play, which will first be performed in Ikoyi prison and then will travel across the country to raise awareness among the general public and policy makers about the issue of unnecessary and prolonged pre-trial detention. Stroom is one of the partners in this project.


The Srebrenica Monument

17 September 2020, 17-19.30 hrs
Conversation reflecting on the role of a new monument in the International City of Peace and Justice. With: Erna Rijsdijk (lecturer military ethics, Defence Academy), Otto Spijkers (professor of international law, Wuhan University), Sabina Tanovic (architect, active in Memorial Committee Nationaal Monument Srebrenica Genocide '95), Eliane Bots (artist). Followed by a discussion with contributions by the online and offline audience. Moderator: Leila Prnjavorac.

- PAST -

Charles van Otterdijk- Double Centre
7 September - 17 November 2013
Exhibition and book presentation by Dutch artist Charles van Otterdijk at Stroom Den Haag. Includes Stroom School side program of various activities.

The Hague World Capital
7 September 2013 - 8 January 2014
(extended due to popular demand)
Small presentation in the Stroom library (and library window) about the plans in 1905 to create a ‘World Capital of Internationalism' in the vicinity of The Hague. Includes indepth essay by Arnold Mosselman.

Lecture Marco Scotini
Sunday 29 September 2013
Lecture by art critic and curator Marco Scotini about art and political activism, with special attention for a.o.The Disobedience Archive. This afternoon was also in concurrence with therelaunch van Open!

Scaffold- Sam Durant
20 October 2013 - 7 December 2014
This artwork by the American artist Sam Durant is on view in the centre of the International Zone of The Hague, near the OPCW. Includes side program of various activities.

Peace Palace Library Lecture
Thursday 12 November 2013
This lecture (related to the Peace Palace Centenary) was organized by the Peace Palace in cooperation with Stroom Den Haag and the Haags Historisch Museum.

Preemption, Politics, Alternatives
Friday 10 January 2014
Public closing event following two masterclass/design studios coordinated by Marieke de Goede and Floris Vermeulen,  University of Amsterdam, department of political science. With a.o. keynote lecture by Cynthia Weber and screening of 'I Am An American'.

Cynthia Weber: Uniting States of Americans: from ‘I am an American' to ‘We are the 99%'
10 January - 2 February 2014

Following the masterclassesPreemption, Politics, AlternativesCynthia Weber (professor of International Relations at the University of Sussex, UK) shows a number of documentaries and twoComment flagsin the lobby of Stroom.

Syrian Freedom Artists
Friday 7 February 2014, 16 hrs

on location at PIP, Binckhorstlaan 36, The Hague
Presentation of the results of (private) workshops on strategies for artistic resistance, by three artists of the former Syrian poster and graffiti collective Alshaab Alsori Aref Tarekh (The Syrian People Know Their Way), with students of the KABK (3-6 February).

Model Court: An Ecology of the Courtroom
14 Februari - 30 March 2014
Friday 14 February 2014:opening with artists' talk and screeningRESOLUTION 978HD
Saturday 15 Februari 2014
Live teleconferencing event
Model Courtis an ongoing collaboration between London-based artists/architects and researchers Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Lorenzo Pezzani and Oliver Rees, whose practice explores the shifting infrastructures of international justice.

The Good Cause
9 March - 1 June 2014
Exhibition curated by think tank Archis. A research project into how architecture and design can contribute to a sustainable world peace.  With extensive side program of tours, congress and expeditions.

ScaffoldandMandela Monument
15March - 1 June 2014

Stroom Den Haag was involved in the realisation of two very contrasting monuments that are situated on opposite sides of the same street in the International Zone of The Hague.

Christian Nyampeta,How To Live Together, Radius
5April - 25 May 2014

Friday 4 April 2014:opening
Can we imagine a way of living together that leaves room for change and growth, while remaining engaged and related? Presentations with a radio show and workshops.

Florian Göttke:Burning Images - Hanging Dissent+ Taf Hassam:Some Cruel & Unusual Records
Thursday 22 May 2014, 20-22 hrs

Lecture on 'Scaffold' by Florian Göttke about hanging or burning effigies as a sign of dissent in political protests a musical performance by Taf Hassam.

Syrious Angels 'Holland saves Syria'
19 - 22 June 2014:
De Parade, Rotterdam
11, 12 and 13 July 2014:De Parade, The Hague
A theatrical pitch about Western aid in a world we don't know enough about. By Syrious Angels.

Trevor Paglen:Seeing Secrecy
31 May - 27 July 2014

Friday 30 May 2014, 17:00 hrs:public lecture Seeing Secrecyby Trevor Paglen
Presentation of images and flags of the 'Secret State' by the American geographer, artist and investigative journalist Trevor Paglen. The opening is preceded by the private MasterclassSeeing Machinesand the public lectureSeeing Secrecyby Trevor Paglen>> more info.

Hangen & wurgenon Scaffold duringMuseumnacht Den Haag
Saturday 6 September 2014
The artworkScaffoldby Sam Durant functioned as a gruesome stage. The structure is a combination of reconstructed wooden gallows that were used in executions of significance throughout U.S. history. Especially for Museumnacht Den Haag Stroom Den Haag, het Nationale Toneel and de Orde van de Dag  presentedHangen & wurgen: theater and music, on top of the scaffold.

Ramallah in The Hague
15 - 19 September 2014
Location: KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague (private workshop)
The inhabitants of Ramallah look to The Hague as the city of peace and justice. For the citizens of The Hague, however, Ramallah has no importance at all. Students of the International Academy of Art Palestine from Ramallah will organize a (private) workshop for students of the Inside department of the KABK, dedicated to the research of the production of safe areas in The Hague.
Friday 19 September, 14:00 hrs
Final presentation 'Ramallah in The Hague'
Location: inner courtyard opposite Deutsche Evangelische Gemeinde Im Haag on Bleijenburg 3/B (behind the KABK)
The students will organize a number of interventions in public space. See

Peace and Justice Songs onScaffold
Sunday 19 October 2014, 13-17 hrs

Performances onScaffoldby bands from The Hague during the Haagse Pop Week 2014. featuring: Paul Istance & The Magic Mumble Jumble, The Hague Reggae All Stars, Ed Struijlaart, Tess et Les Moutons Magnifiques. Sequel toMurder Songs on Scaffoldthat took place on 20 October 2013.

Project week: 'The Tribunal for Uncertain Objects (how do you bring an iceberg to court?)'

27 thru 31 October 2014
Final presentation: Friday 31 October, 16-19 hrs
on location at Bewaakt en Bewoond, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, The Hague
--> route
Projectweek 2014 for the graphic design department of The Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK). Main guest tutor this year isSusan Schüppli. Other guest lecturers include: Rosa Menkman and Remco van Bladel.
The final presentations on Friday 31 october will be concluded with the jury award for the best presentation. The winner will get the opportunity to rebuild the presentation in the window of Stroom Den Haag.

'Burning Images, Hanging Dissent'
lecture by Florian Göttke
Wednesday 5 November 2014, 18-20 hrs
Location: Living Lab, Leiden's Centre for Innovation The Hague, Schouwburgstraat 2, first floor

Entrance free
See You In The Hagueand PAI, the political arts initiative, organize a lecture by Florian Göttke, followed by a discussion.
Florian Göttke will take you on a journey through American history in his treatise on the use of effigies in public protests, an in-depth research on the creation and destruction of these embodied images of the enemy that are put to death by hanging or burning.

Susan Schuppli:Evidence on Trial
2 October - 16 November 2014

The projectEvidence on Trialby Susan Schuppli represents evidentiary documents sourced from the Archives of  the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) -  including videos, photographs, aerial footage, diagrams, floor plans, models, and maps marked by witnesses.>> more info

Sunday 16 November, 16-17:30 hrs
Screening documentaryMaterial Witness(Susan Schuppli) and final debate

On this Sunday afternoon art itself will take the witness stand. Screening and final debate with: Susan Schuppli, Wouter Werner, Marieke de Goede and Cissie Fu.

Window presentation: 'Signed Insignificance'
4 - 30 November 2014

Presentation of the winning entry of the On Responsibility project week organized by the Royal Academy of art The Hague in collaboration with Stroom Den Haag and in concurrence with Susan Schuppli's presentationEvidence on Trial.

A Crushed Image (20 years after Srebrenica)
22 March - 12 April 2015

In 1995 in Srebrenica thousands of Muslims were taken from a protected enclave, right from under the eyes of Dutch soldiers. The majority of them were later killed. Right now, 20 years later, and right here in The Hague, where the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia is winding down its activities and where the Dutch government resides, the artistPeter Koolewants to exhibit hisBalkan Paintings(2005-2011). The exhibition also features new works byJason File, who is both an artist and a prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. In a number of his works he explores alternative modes of understanding evidentiary material used at the Tribunal, sometimes incorporating it directly into the work.

Milo Rau: The Congo Tribunal

10 March - 8 April 2018

For more than 20 years an inexplicable civil war is turning a territory as big as western Europe into hell on earth. Triggered by the Rwandan genocide in 1994, the Congo War, also called the "Third World War", has claimed more than six million lives. This installation by Milo Rau examines the causes and backgrounds to this global conflict in a unique and stunningly transmedia art project.

Window presentation: Green Offshores
21 March - 19 May 2018

An archive and installation by Lodovica Guarnieri presenting a different story of The Hague and de-colonizing our unquestioned positive reading of Peace and the politics that sustain it.

Diego Tonus and Anonymous: 'Fragments of a Conversation with a Counterfeiter'
1 March - 24 May 2019

A project that contributes to a discussion about the transformation of value. Based on an assumed conversation between the artist Diego Tonus and a forger (Anonymous).

Visual Culture Research Center: 'Hybrid Peace'
25 March - 26 May 2019

Staging installations, screenings, and discussions 'Hybrid Peace' by VCRC explores the politicality of truth through visual art and forensic knowledge. With the participation of: Yuriy Hrytsyna, Angelina Kariakina, Oleksiy Radynski, Hito Steyerl, Artur Zmijewski. Curated by Vasyl Cherepanyn.

Architecture of Peace Dialogues
Sunday 23 June 2019, 15 hrs

How do we materialize peace? Wrap-up event with a.o. Syrian architect and urbanist Bengin Dawod and disrupted societies expert Anatol Itten. Organized by ARCHIS and Stroom.

Srebrenica is Dutch history
11 July -23 August 2020

A national campaign which demands attention for the Srebrenica genocide, the role of the Netherlands and its 25th anniversary in the Netherlands. With collective Bosnian Girl (Arna Mackic, Daria Bukvic, Emina Cerimovic, Ena Sendijarevic) and photographer Robin de Puy.

See You in The Hagueis an initiative of Stroom Den Haag and is made possible in part byMondriaan Fund,Stokroos Foundation,the Creative Industries Fund NL,vfonds(national fund for peace, freedom and veteran care),Foundation for Democracy and Media,BNG Cultuurfonds,Fonds 1818, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and the city of The Hague. The program is created in collaboration with numerous partners both within and outside of the art world and through November 2014 was developed in close collaboration with curator Brigitte van der Sande.

Amnesty International Nederland; Archis/Volume; Carnegie-Stichting; Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC); Dutch Art Institute / MFA ArtEZ, Arnhem; Forensic Architecture, Goldsmiths University of London; Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC); Haags Pop Centrum; The Hague Institute for Global Justice; HiiL, innovating justice; Humanity House; Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO); International Academy of Art Palestine; International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague; Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Den Haag (KABK); Museum Waalsdorp; Het Nationale Toneel/Babel; Nederlandse Defensie Academy; Orde van de Dag; Pro Demos, huis voor democratie en rechtsstaat; Universiteit van Amsterdam/Political Science Department; Universiteit Leiden/The Political Arts Initiative; Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven.

Graphic designSee You in The Hague:

Read the observations on the program (2013-2016) by curator Brigitte van der Sande: >> See You in The Hague: The Clash of Clans

Jegens & Tevens, 21 September 2020
DutchbuzZ Podcasts, 20 September 2020 Listen on Soundcloud
or Youtube
Jegens & Tevens, 28 March 2019
Den Haag FM (Kunstlicht), 25 March 2018 (in Dutch)
de Volkskrant, 22 March 2018 (in Dutch)
The Art Newspaper, 23 februari 2018
Creating Rights, 8 June 2015
if then is now, 3 June 2015 (In Dutch)
if then is now, 7 May 2015 (in Dutch)
Justice Hub, 10 April 2015
Trendbeheer, 10 April 2015 (in Dutch)
Jegens en Tevens, 9 April 2015 (in Dutch)
chmkoome's blog, 29 March 2015 (in Dutch)
Justice Hub, 27 March 2015
VPRO Nooit meer slapen, 20 March 2015 (in Dutch)
de nieuwe (Arti et Amicitiae), January 2015 (in Dutch)
DutchbuzZ(podcast), 28 October 2014
3voor12, 20 oktober 2014
NRC Handelsblad, 23 June 2014 (in Dutch)
De Correspondent, 16 June 2014 (in Dutch)
Open!, 12 May 2014
NRC Handelsblad, 15 april 2014 (in Dutch)
Archined, 9 April 2014, 4 April 2014 (in Dutch)
Archined, 24 March 2014 (in Dutch)
The Pop-Up City, 24 March 2014
Open!, 16 March 2014
VPRO Radio: Nooit meer slapen, 10 March 2014 (in Dutch)
AD Haagsche Courant, 7 February 2014 (in Dutch)
Het Financiele Dagblad, 21 December 2013 (in Dutch), 4 December 2013 (in Dutch)
Knack Focus, 4 December 2013 (in Dutch)
Den Haag Centraal, 8 november 2013 (in Dutch)
De Groene Amsterdammer, 7 November 2013 (in Dutch)
De Avonden, VPRO radio, 1 November 2013 (in Dutch)
Avondlog (VPRO) - part 3, 30 October 2013
Strange Messenger blog, 27 October 2013
VPRO De Avonden(radio), 24 October 2013
Avondlog (VPRO) - part 2, 24 October 2013 (in Dutch)
Avondlog (VPRO) - part 1, 23 October 2013 (in Dutch)
Trouw, 21 October 2013 (in Dutch)
AD Haagsche Courant, 21 oktober 2013 (in Dutch)
AD Haagsche Courant, 19 October 2013 (in Dutch)
Den Haag Centraal, 18 October 2013 (in Dutch)
de Volkskrant, 18 October 2013 (in Dutch)
Blikvangen, 18 October 2013 (in Dutch)
Mr. Motley, 6 October 2013
Den Haag Centraal, 4 October 2013 (in Dutch), 4 October 2013 (in Dutch), 29 September 2013 (in Dutch)
H ART, nr. 116. 26 September 2013 (in Dutch)
-> English translation:click here, 17 September 2013 (in Dutch)
-> English translation:click here
Jegens & Tevens, 16 September 2013 (in Dutch)
chmkoome's blog, 16 September 2013 (in Dutch)
Blikvangen, 12 September 2013 (in Dutch)
NRC Handelsblad, 11 September 2013 (in Dutch)
-> English translation:click here