Syrious Angels (Berend Bos &Lieke Bauhaus)
Syrious Angels 'Holland saves Syria'
De Parade, Rotterdam (Museumpark):
19 t/m 22 june 2014
De Parade, Den Haag (Westbroekpark):
11, 12 en 13 july 2014
Part of See You in The Hague, a multifaceted narrative about the ambition and reality of The Hague as an International City of Peace and Law.
‘We are Berend Bos and Lieke Bauhaus, we are Syrious Angels. Syrious Angels is an aid organisation that does things differently. After three years of bloody war, looking away is no longer an option. With our boots still on our feet, we step straight from the Dutch clay into the Syrian desert sand. We are building on what has been demolished. No, we build more than has been demolished! The broken streets provide us with the building blocks for a brand new, beautiful Syria. Our present contributes to their future. Will you help? We know you can, we know you will. Thank you.’
Holland saves Syria, a theatrical pitch about Western aid to a world we understand too little about.
Genre: CoCo (Content Comedy)
Directed by: Isil Vos
Performance: Noël S. Keulen and Willemijn Haasken
Music: Gijs Lichthart
Production: Joya de Bock
Powered by: Stroom The Hague
With thanks to: Maher al Sabbagh, Judy Lijdsman, Brigitte van der Sande, DLVM, Casper de Leuw and others.
NRC Handelsblad, 23 juni 2014