Stroom Summer Strolls

!!! Due to great interest: standby list only. In the month of July Stroom organizes a series of Friday walks, one-on-one with one of our colleagues. The itinerary - just like the weather - is unpredictable. Think of it as a blind date with Stroom!
On Fridays at 13 hrs: from 3 to 31 July 2020
Standby list only

We are pleasantly surprised with the great interest in the Stroom Summer Strolls. Due to the limited availability we closed the reservation form on Friday afternoon 26 June around 5 pm. If you want to sign up for a spot on the standby list, please send an email to

In recent weeks we have often asked our contacts abroad how they are doing and how they are experiencing this bizarre period. Now that the doors of Stroom are open again, in the month of July we would like to hear from our relations closer to home how they are doing. So we decided to organize a series of very simple walks on Friday afternoon, the Stroom Summer Strolls, one-on-one, with the idea of talking to each other in person and without a fixed agenda.
The stroll will always be with one of our colleagues (Arno, Mischa, Vincent, Connie, Hildegard, Ira or Lua). The itinerary - just like the weather - is unpredictable. Think of it as a blind date with Stroom!

Want to go for a walk?
Click here for the sign-up form

Want to read the stories of our contacts abroad? See the series How are You...?
