The Tribunal For Uncertain Objects
Projectweek: 'The Tribunal for Uncertain Objects (how do you bring an iceberg to court?)'
Final presentation: Friday 31 October 2014, 16-19 hrs
Location: Bewaakt en Bewoond, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, The Hague
Photo album final presentation
Between 27 and 31 October 2014, the Graphic Design Department of the Royal Academy in The Hague organizes its yearly projectweek. This edition is called The Tribunal For Uncertain Objects (How do you bring an iceberg to court?), and is organized together with Stroom Den Haag and Canadian artist Susan Schüppli in the context of See You in The Hague.
This week-long project asks students to develop strategies for analyzing and representing the complex relationship between uncertain objects and future crimes, their capacity to testify as 'material witnesses' to a crime and the limits of the law in order to design appropriate forums and protocols whereby such non-human objects might testify as to their condition and criminalization. Main guest tutor this year is Susan Schüppli. Other guest lecturers include: Jonas Staal, Rosa Menkman, Jorinde Seijdel and Open Source Publishing.
The final presentations on Friday 31 october will be concluded with the jury award for the best presentation. The winner will get the opportunity to rebuild the presentation in the window of Stroom Den Haag. The jury consists of: Lies Ros (designer), Ingrid Rollema (artist), Arno van Roosmalen (director Stroom Den Haag), and Susan Schuppli (artist and researcher).