Preemption, Politics, Alternatives

Friday 10 January 2014, 1-5 pm
Location: Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
Curator: Brigitte van der Sande
Moderator: Natasja van den Berg
Language: English

On 9/11 the world shook when two airplanes slammed into the financial center of the most powerful nation in the world. George W. Bush declared the 'War on Terror', and since then governments world-wide are trying to develop scenarios that have a pre-emptive or 'anticipatory' logic in order to prevent possible future threats. In the meantime a technological infrastructure is being built, that has a far-reaching impact on our daily lives. Over the past few months political scientists Marieke de Goede and Floris Vermeulen of the University of Amsterdam led a number of masterclasses dedicated to the development of alternatives for these speculative security policies that raise many political issues. The participating students and PhD candidates of the University of Amsterdam / Political Science Department (NWO-Vidi European Security Culture project); Dutch Art Institute / MFA ArtEZ, Arnhem; Netherlands Defence Academy and interns of HiiL - innovating justice (advisory and research institute for the justice sector) will discuss these topics with the audience.

The afternoon will be concluded with a lecture by Cynthia Weber (professor of International Relations at the University of Sussex, UK) and screenings of Weber's I Am An American. Video Portraits of Unsafe US Citizens, a response to a post 9/11 television advertising campaign and We are the 99%, about the Occupy Wall Street movement. More info see below.

Cynthia Weber: Uniting States of Americans: from ‘I Am An American' to ‘We are the 99%'
10 January - 2 February 2014

Location: lobby Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
For a period of 3 weeks the presentation by Cynthia Weber will also be on view in the lobby of Stroom. On monitors the documentaries I Am An American and We are the 99% are screened and people can leave their comments on two  'Comment flags' on the wall: I Am An American and Ik ben een Nederlander (I am Dutch).

Survey of the private workshops in 2013

Friday 15 November 2013
Session 1: Preemption & Counterterrorism

Lecture by Marieke de Goede on 'The politics of preemption, the relationship between prevention, preemption, precaution and the question of politics' + lecture by Jenifer Chao on 'The space of art and culture as oppositional practice'. Followed by various group sessions and a tour of the exhibition Double Centre by Charles van Otterdijk at Stroom Den Haag.

Friday 6 December 2013
Session 2: Scenarios & Alternatives

Lecture by Floris Vermeulen on 'Different state interventions in Europe against terrorism, possible (side) effects, and suspect communities' + lecture by Stephanie Simon on 'Resilience in urban design'. Followed by various group sessions and a visit to Scaffold by Sam Durant.

See You in The Hague is a multifaceted narrative about the ambitions and reality of The Hague as International City of Peace and Justice.

The program Preemption, Politics, Alternatives is developed in collaboration with University of Amsterdam / Political Science Department (NWO-Vidi European Security Culture project); Dutch Art Institute / MFA ArtEZ, Arnhem; Netherlands Defence Academy and HiiL - innovating justice.



