OpZicht: Verena Hahn 'We´ll have time for that later'

Presentation by a newly registered artist from The Hague. A film exploring the present and future concepts of 'preppers'.

2 September - 3 October 2021
Location: Hogewal 1-9, The Hague

Stroom features the film We'll have time for that later by Verena Hahn. In the work she explores the experience and agency of so-called 'preppers', people who live in the anticipation of a crisis that needs a long-term preparation. For the first time, Verena Hahn shows her film in the context of a sculptural installation of intertwined chairs, designed and produced in collaboration with Berlin-based carpenter and product designer Moritz Müller. The installation explores the competent and dominant, the fit and controlled body that is a repeating motive in the film.

Participants in the practice of ‘prepping' prepare to live a life that is fully self-sustainable and not dependent on any external parties, such as energy and food suppliers, the police, or a community. In We'll have time for that later, Hahn goes beyond prepping as a mere hobby, but regards it as a practice with specific agency of the time we live in. The film traces the connection between the storytelling in prepping and real contemporary conditions that influence and determine the prepper's world view. The film reflects in a subtle but critical manner on the role of the filmmaker and the complexity of documenting certain ideologies.

We'll have time for that later recently won the Best Documentary Award at the The Hague Film Festival 2021.

Duration of the film: 45 minutes
Verena Hahn

Verena Hahn is a filmmaker and designer who currently lives and works in The Hague and in the region of Lüneburger Heide in Germany. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Art The Hague in 2019. She is concerned with the physical aspects of filming and being filmed, and with the resulting possibilities for claiming, giving or denying space. Her film We'll have time for that later (2019) was shown at Supermarket Art Fair Stockholm, Sweden, represented by Nieuwe Vide Haarlem. Exhibitions of other works include I just called (2019) at Palastrauschen Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Germany; Who is in the war room? as part of Models for Humanity. The 50th anniversary of Amnesty International Netherlands; and Epic Fail Compilation as part of Well::ness bad::ass (2018) by OrgaOrga in Mainz, Germany.

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