'Hangen & wurgen' op Scaffold tijdens Museumnacht Den Haag foto: © Eric de Vries, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Museum night The Hague: 'Hanging & strangling' on Scaffold
Saturday 6 September 2014 - Starting times: 20.30, 21.30 & 22.30 hrs
Location: 'Scaffold', President Kennedylaan, opposite entrance Omniversum / Museum night bus 2
During Museumnacht Den Haag 2014
Part of See You in The Hague
The artwork Scaffold by Sam Durant will function as a gruesome stage. The structure is a combination of reconstructed wooden gallows that were used in executions of significance throughout U.S. history. Especially for Museumnacht Den Haag Stroom Den Haag, het Nationale Toneel and de Orde van de Dag will present Hangen & wurgen: theater and music, on top of the scaffold, crime and punishment.
The woman who marries a man on death row. The official responible for a botched execution. The convict who awaits his punishment. Interspersed with appropriate music - amongst others by Nick Cave.
Actors: Jappe Claes (NT), Antoinette Jelgersma (NT), Mark Kraan (Orde van de Dag)
Text: Marcel Osterop, Jibbe Willems, Michiel Lieuwma, Oscar Kocken
Music: Jan and Keez Groenteman
Be on time, there is a limited number of seats available for the three performances (of circa half an hour). Starting times: 20.30, 21.30 and 22.30 hrs. The performances are in the Dutch language!
More about Scaffold: click here.