museumnacht Den Haag 2021

Screening of video work by students and recent graduates at the Royal Academy of Art The Hague that ties in with the theme of Uncertainty Seminars: There, There.

Uncertainty Seminars invites | KABK: There, There screening program
Saturday 9 October  2021, 20:00 - 00:00
Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1-9, Den Haag

For Museumnight Den Haag Stroom organized an open call to students and recent graduates of the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK), to submit video works that play with the thematics of Uncertainty Seminars: There, There (taking at Stroom place on 8 and 9 October). During US: There, There we focus on the theme of bridging distances, both physical, figurative and metaphorical ones.

The selection KABK: There, There shows a variety of fresh, artistic interpretations of these themes: from urbanism and gentrification, to hidden histories behind common objects and in local sites of The Hague. From speculative imaginaries of the planet's surface, to questions of belonging.  

Natalia Sliwinska, Beyond taxonomic narratives (2021), 20:49 min
Sophie Czich, Where the façade bends (2021), 06:47min
Cristina Lavosi, And it looks to me like the end of an era (2020), 11:06 min
Petra Eros, Terraforming (2020), 03:57 min
Hattie Wade, Thy Cities Shall With Commerce Shine—Part I (2021), 09:03 min
Vera Yijun Zhou, Bubble (2019/2020), 12:56 min

Uncertainty Seminars is an ongoing series of presentations by artists, scientists, performers and thinkers since 2017 embracing doubt as an experimental cultural strategy.