Foto: Studio Uittenbogaart, courtesy Stroom Den Haag, 2025
Artists talk: The Chamber of Curiosity
Date: 3 April 2025
Time: 18:00 - 21:00 hrs
Location: Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
Capacity: 30 maximum
During this artist talk the artists discuss the themes of the show and how it relates to their practices. The evening will start with a viewing of the video work, Zodiac Kind , 2024, by Benjamin Pompe (duration: 11:43min). This will introduce the theme of ‘the chamber of curiosity’, the starting point of the exhibition. The video also introduces the theme of ‘the four humours’, in the exhibition concept the artists were ‘casted’ as four different archetypes. Similar to the four temperament theory, the archetypes are a way to divide and categorize part of the human condition. With this the artists can go into a conversation about the differences and similarities in their works. The parallels and contradictions, what makes them stand out, and what unites them.