Art in Public Space – Take a look behind the scenes

Stroom participates in The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend with a guided tour by Vincent de Boer along a selection of sculptures and monuments Stroom has been closely involved with over the past decades. Reservations required!
Friday 11 September 2020, 11:00 hrs
Starting point: sculpture Karel Appel (corner Spui/Grote Marktstraat at City Hall)
Duration: ca. 1 hour walk (all ages)
Language: Dutch (English available on request)
Admission: free
Reservations required:
(limited number of 15 participants)

Part of: The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend
(10-12 September 2020)

Stroom participates in The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend with a special tour along a selection of public art sculptures and monuments in the City of The Hague.

Stroom Den Haag celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2020. It is known for its many activities in the field of contemporary art, but is also responsible for art in public space in The Hague. How do these works come about? Who is involved? Based on the map Let's go outside again! with highlights of 150 works of art in the city, Vincent de Boer takes you along a selection of these works. He talks about the creation of several statues and monuments in which Stroom has been closely involved in the past decades.

Do you wish to check out the sculptures of this impressive collection of artworks in the city on your own? Then pick up the free map at Stroom, Hogewal 1-9.
>> Or download the pdf

