Art at Schools excursion: Lisa Sebestikova

Excursion to see Lisa Sebestikova's school project at Children's Center Vroondaal. Would you like to see the work on location? Here's your chance!
Thursday 14 December 2023, 15 hrs

Meeting point: Kindcentrum Vroondaal, Bertrand Russelllaan 16-18, Den Haag 
Please register via: (please mention name of the event)

This event takes place during the exhibition ‘Speelruimte'.

Stroom Den Haag has been connecting artists with schools in The Hague for decades. It has led to special forms of participation and commissioning and more than 100 unique artworks on location. The exhibition Speelruimte offers a snapshot of current commissions and shows the great diversity and versatility of the commissions and artworks.

In December we are organizing two excursions to - by exception - view artworks on location at schools in The Hague. Vincent de Boer and Leon Perlot, curators of the exhibition, explain the background of the Art at Schools program.

During the first excursion on Thursday, 14 December, Lisa Sebestikova will personally explain her work Waterbos (Hideout) in the main hall of children center Vroondaal. The new installation creates a visible link between the students and the environment where the new children's center is being built. For more information, click here.

The excursion is made possible thanks to the participating artists and schools, and with the support of Mondriaan Fonds and the Municipality of The Hague.

