Maria Roosen, 2015

Location: O.G. Heldringschool, IJsvogelplein, The Hague
Completion: May 2015

'32 Birds of Glass'
As an introduction and inspiration for her school assignment, Maria Roosen wandered through the Vogelwijk and read all the street signs. She liked all those bird names so much that she made a list of them. Then she asked the students of the school (ages 4 to 11), together with the artists Ciel van Dooren and Liedeke Kruk, to make drawings and paintings of these vogesl, which she later used for a spatial translation in glass. To do that as precisely as possible, she traveled to glassblower Jiri Pacinek in the Czech Republic. Like the birds drawn and painted by the children, some have become smaller, longer, thicker or flatter than in real life. As a matter of course, the birds now sit on a metal branch in the loft in front of the window of the craft and music room. It seems as if the artist has breathed life into the birds and that the birds (like the students) are about to fly out into the world.

Design, concept and development: Maria Roosen
Workshop 'Drawing and painting birds': Ciel van Dooren and Liedeke Kruk
Commission: Dienst Vastgoed OCW, Municipality of The Hague
Project supervision: Stroom The Hague (Vincent de Boer)
Glass: Jiri Panicek, hand made glass, Lindava Czech Republic
Technical execution and design installation: Jan Broekstra

Publication '32 Birds of glass' and poster
To accompany the work, Maria Roosen has issued a publication and a poster in collaboration with Stroom The Hague. These are for sale in the bookstore of Stroom and via the website.
More information: click here.

Book: € 10
Poster: € 10,-
Book + poster: € 17,50
(excluding postage)