Lisa Sebestikova, 2022

Location: Kindcentrum Vroondaal, Bertrand Russelllaan 16-18, The Hague
Unveiled: 15 November 2022

With the new installation Waterbos (Hideout) in the central hall of the child center in Vroondaal, Lisa Sebestikova makes the link between the pupils and the environment where the new center was built. Adjacent to the building, a "wet ecological zone" (NEZ) has been created to promote biodiversity in the area. There, fish, small reptiles and birds can live in peace, protected by different types of vegetation and branches. With that fact, the artist tries to connect the center with the environment.

The work is titled Waterbos (Hideout) and depicts an enlarged branch, on which a water line (water level marking) is added. Because of its tilt, it connects the dry land with the underwater world.