Krijn Christiaansen and Cathelijne Montens, 2012-present

Location: multiple for various schools in The Hague

Schools with a small budget can choose to install a multiple especially created for this purpose. In 2011 the last copies of Barbara Visser's TL-time lamp were distributed. Schools that would rather go for an outdoor work of art, can now decide upon the multiple Seascape by designers Krijn Christiaansen and Cathelijne Montens. They created  a ‘modular landscape' that can also be transformed into a bench or tree box, according to the wishes of the school.

In the spring of 2012 the first set-ups were installed in the schoolyards of the Koetsveldschool and OBS Het Galjoen. In 2013 set-ups were installed at De Opperd and OBS Benoordenhout

This commission received a supplementary subsidy from the Fund BKVB (currently known as the Mondriaan Fund).