Herman de Vries: Tree Museum

Location: Wateringse Veld
Opening: Thursday, October 2, 2008

At the request of the Ontwikkelingscombinatie Wateringse Veld, Stroom Den Haag developed an art plan for this Vinex location in 1996, which was then under construction (a Vinex district with a total of 8,000 homes). Art has been given a special place in the design of the district. It was not added later as an extra to the public space but is an integral part of the outdoor environment.

For the theme 'Green,' artist Herman de Vries conceived the Tree Museum. A list of over 200 tree species compiled by him serves as a guide for the green designers of the district. The goal is to use as many different species as possible. Almost every street has its own tree. Hardstone tiles in the sidewalks and plant beds display the name and leaf shape of the tree.

The 'Guide to the Tree Museum' (available, among other places, at Stroom Den Haag) provides readers with extensive background information on the species and subspecies found in the district. At the end of the attractive booklet, there is a map with a pleasant walking route through the neighborhood.

Herman de Vries (1931)
Herman de Vries began in the late 1950s with 'informal' paintings and collages. Together with Henk Peeters and Armando, he formed the NUL group in 1961 and was involved in the founding of the magazine Revue Nul + 0. From that point on, he created white, 'empty' paintings and structural reliefs where form and representation play no role. The theme of his visual work is the plant world. Since retreating to the Bavarian village of Eschenau, nature and Eastern philosophies have become significant elements in his work.

Out of respect for nature, Herman de Vries writes his name in lowercase letters. People are not more important than plants and animals. A bit more humility is appropriate, according to de Vries.