Harold de Bree, 2018

Location: Esloo College, Noordpolderkade 167, The Hague
Unveiling: Friday 14 September 14:00 hrs*

On the sidewalk in front of the Esloo College artist Harold de Bree has created a Dazzle Painting. The colourful painting creates a separate space through which the school building appears to be put on a pedestal

Harold de Bree (1966)
Harold de Bree creates paintings, installations and performances. In 2005 he installed a full-size submarine entitled TYP XVII in the pond in front of the Haags Gemeentemuseum. His current Dazzle Painting is part of a series of works in which De Bree uses camouflage patterns in order to make the viewer aware of his/her own visual limitations.

Special thanks to:
The artwork is made possible by the City of The Hague through the so-called Percent for Art program for public art commissions. Stroom Den Haag was the advisor for and coordinator of the project