Harco Haagsma, Jannes Linders, 2001

Location: Hofstadcollege for Horeca and Techniek, Meppelweg 339, The Hague

The artists Harco Haagsma and Jannes Linders worked together, yet each separately, on a commission for the Vakschool voor Horeca, Handel en Techniek in The Hague Zuid West. In the hallway of each of the three floors, Harco Haagsma installed a plasma screen with a built-in digital camera showing random shots of the school's students. Jannes Linders installed a frieze on the ceiling beams in the cafeteria. This is composed of series of photographs of hairstyles, jewelry and hands of schoolchildren. A large photograph of a bar at Schiphol Airport is mounted on the back wall, offering a view of the outside world. High-edition notebooks were printed for the entire school whose covers refer to the works.