Céline Condorelli, 2018

Location: IBS Yunus Emre, Mandelaplein 2, The Hague + Nutsschool Morgenstond, Zweeloostraat 61, The Hague

With Proposals for a Qualitative Society (Spinning) (2017) Céline Condorelli presented Stroom's exhibition space as a place for rehearsal and play. A series of carousels and spinning tops invited visitors to play and interact with them, while (historical) references of radical playground designs showed what play means for the city and for society. The two carousels were later installed in the schoolyards of IBS Yunus Emre and Nutsschool Morgenstond. The children of these schools were actively involved as researchers throughout the process and development of the exhibition.

Céline Condorelli considers exhibitions as constructions through which we apprehend the world, which allow us to rehearse possibilities for making things public.