Barbara Visser, 2008

Locations: Bernardusschool, De Bonte Vlinder, Dalton Scholengemeenschap, De Eshof, Gymnasium Haganum, Haags Montessori College, Houtwijk, De Kameleon, De Kleine Keizer, De Krullevaer, Leyenburgschool, Overbosch College, De Regenboog, Rosaschool, De Schakel, De Springplank, Zorgvliet, Willem de Zwijgerschool.

Barbara Visser’s TL/Tijdlamp is a limited-edition artwork designed for 18 schools in The Hague as part of the municipal percentage scheme. The project consists of a peculiar 'living' device – the TL/Tijdlamp – and an accompanying educational publication on the theme of time.

Since the concept of time – both objective (clock time) and subjective (perceptual) – is very present in schools, Barbara Visser developed a piece of art that explores the measurement and representation of time and can also inspire ideas or activities around the concept of time. The TL/Tijdlamp, developed in collaboration with inventor/programmer Stijn Belle and artist Koert van Mensvoort, takes the form of a fluorescent tube that gradually fills with colored light, representing time. As the lamp hangs or stands in a particular location for a longer period, it can adjust to the time structure of that environment. It does so using sensors ('eyes' and 'ears') that measure sounds and movements. The TL/Tijdlamp arrives at the school in a blank state but learns to recognize activity patterns, such as the rhythm of class periods in a specific room. At the end of each lesson, a reflection of the classroom's busyness will be visible as a pattern of colored stripes, with the light's color changing in response to high sound levels.

Barbara Visser was awarded the prestigious Dr. A.H. Heineken Prize for Art in 2008. In 2007, she had a retrospective exhibition at Museum De Paviljoens in Almere, where the monograph 'Barbara Visser is er niet' was also published. Her work was previously showcased at Stroom in the 2001 solo exhibition 'A Day in Holland/Holland in a Day.'

Publication: 'Barbara Visser, TL/Tijdlamp'
Compilation and Editing: Corinne Groot, Martine van Kampen, Bernie Deekens
Texts: Mireille de Putter, Douwe Draaisma et al.
Design: Veronica Ditting
Photography: Johannes Schwartz
Publisher: Stroom Den Haag, 2007

The TL/Tijdlamp project was funded by the Municipality of The Hague, Fonds 1818, and Stroom Den Haag.

Technical execution: RENA Electronica bv and Toltech Solutions