Committee members

Stroom works together with different advisory committees to ensure expertise and multi-voicedness within the activities and decisions that Stroom takes care of. We would like to introduce you to the members of the various advisory committees.

In order to assess which applications are eligible for a PRO grant, Stroom calls upon an independent advisory committee, which consists of a pool of advisors with various specialisms who meet in varying compositions. We would like to introduce you the members of our PRO grants advisory committee.

PRO advisory committee

Rob Knijn

Presidency 2022-2024

Rob Knijn has been active professionally in the contemporary art world for over 25 years. As a painter in his own his studio, and as a curator, director, organizer and advisor at and for various organizations. Rob is co-initiator of the Alternative Art Guide, an internet guide of artist initiatives worldwide. Last year he started the publishing house Painpub which specializes in publications about painting. Previously Rob was artistic director of Heden, an art center in The Hague, and worked at the Mondriaan Fund in Amsterdam.

Experience in committee and advisory work:
Chairman of committees and committee member Mondriaan Fund; secretary Mondriaan Fund; advisor and board member at various visual arts institutions The Hague. 

Yvo van der Vat

As of 28 March 2024

Yvo van der Vat (1974, Voorburg) graduated from the KABK and works under the name The Youman. He specializes in site-specific installations using ready-mades, film, performance, classical sculpture and undertakes social interventions and projects in public space. Subtle suggestions, respect for material and a humorous approach are important aspects to his work. He is co-director and curator of Baracca, director of the Bobby Kinghe Foundation, host of the radio program Via-Cultura and founder of several initiatives (a.o. Hoogtij, Kunstcommando, Galerie als Openbare Ruimte, KIV22, Kunstrand, DS17). Van der Vat is organizer of various art projects, set designer for GenG Design and Porter at Hotel Des Indes. 
Experience in committee and advisory work:
Advisory committee art in public space Rijswijk; exhibition committee Pictura Dordrecht; committee Haagse Rondgang (Hoogtij); jury member for Kunstbende Rotterdam. 

Rieke Vos

As of 28 March 2024

Rieke Vos is a curator, initiator and writer based in Amsterdam. Since 2023, she has been curator of contemporary art at the Teylers Museum in Haarlem. With her program, she forges connections between art and science, shedding contemporary light on the history of this "oldest museum of the Netherlands" and its encyclopedic collection consisting of fine art, scientific instruments and geological objects. Rieke previously worked at Het HEM in Zaandam, where she was part of the founding team and curated numerous exhibitions. Rieke participated in the Curatorial Program of De Appel 2010-2011 and holds a master's degree in Art History from the University of Amsterdam. Experience in committee and advisory work:
Juror for a variety of awards and selection procedures including IFFR and the Dutch Pavilion for the Venice Biennale (Mondriaan Fund); advisor De Vleeshal (Middelburg); advisor Het Resort (Groningen).  

Zoë Tim Hollander

As of 28 March 2024

Zoë Tim Hollander is a visual artist, curator, designer, DJ and writer. They graduated from the HKU in 2014 and spent time at the Jan van Eyck academy. Their work explores the relationship between object, meaning, presentation and space in contemporary visual art and beyond. As a curator, Hollander explores the breakdown of hierarchies and searches for both very physical and substantive connections between artists and their work. Their writings focus on the exploration between the body, space and identity. Hollander's work has been shown at P////AKT Amsterdam, Kunsthal Rotterdam and Marres in Maastricht.  

Florian Weigl

As of 28 March 2024

Florian Weigl works as a curator and researcher. He is interested in art and contemporary technology in reflection on society. Since 2015, he has worked at V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam, on the group exhibitions {class} (2023), WATERWORKS (2022), Reasonable Doubt (2021, with Vincent van Velsen), To Mind Is To Care (2020), among others. He is co-curator of Meta.Morf 2024: [up]Loaded Bodies (2024, NO and NL) and Latent Spectators (2019, UNArt Center, Shanghai). He is also editor of the publications {class} On Consequences in Algorithmic Classification (2023) Art and Care (2021) and 3×3 Live experimentation (2020).  Experience in committee and advisory work:   
Mondrian Fund, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Province of Overijssel and Arts Council Groningen. 

Louise Schouwenberg

As of 28 March 2024

Louise Schouwenberg is an art and design theorist. She studied sculpture at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. Between 1985 and 2003 she worked as a visual artist and realized several sculptures in public spaces. Since then her focus has been on research and writing, involvement in art and design education (a.o. as head of the Master's programs Material Utopias of the Sandberg Institute Amsterdam and Contextual Design of Design Academy Eindhoven), and occasional curating of exhibitions (a.o. for Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, gallery Fons Welters, museum Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich).   
Experience in committee and advisory work:   
Various assessment committees of the Mondriaan Fund (and its predecessor Fonds BKVB); committee member Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie; committeewoman at various art school exams.   

Floris Schönfeld

As of 1 September 2024

Floris Schönfeld (b. 1982) is a visual artist and filmmaker. He works primarily with film and performance. In recent years the focus of his work has been on the relationship between fiction and belief. He received his BA in Time Based Arts from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam and MA in Art Science from the KABK in The Hague.?His work has been shown at several film festivals and exhibitions, including the Rotterdam International Film Festival, the 12th International Shanghai Biennial and the Kassel Documentary & Film Festival. Schonfeld was also featured with solo exhibitions at Nest The Hague, CAC Vilnius, Oakland Museum and the Beautiful Distress House in Amsterdam. 

Farah Rahman

As of 1 September 2024

Farah Rahman is a multidisciplinary art science artist and art education maker. She creates multi-sensory works, in which long-forgotten memories surrounding people's political and/or spiritual relationship with plants, nature and culture play a major role. Her work is characterized by the use of medicinal plants, scent compositions and various cultural heritages. She has exhibited her work at the Nederlands Fotomuseum, Zone2Source, Museon, Worm, LUMC Kunstgallery, Stroom Den Haag and developed art educational workshops for Filmhuis Den Haag, Boijmans van Beuningen and Instruments Inventors Initiative, among others. She received her BA Audiovisual Design from Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam and her MA Art Science from KABK and Royal Conservatory in The Hague.   
Experience in committee and advisory work: 
Open Media Art talent development program of Sound and Vision & the Stimulation Fund; mediation and advice for schools, cultural providers and film teachers on appropriate film educational programs and products at Filmhub Zuid-Holland. 

Maritt Kuipers

As of 1 January 2022

Maritt Kuipers is artistic director and project leader at the intersection of art, design, technology and science. She studied Fine Arts at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and Anthropology and Artistic Research at the University of Amsterdam. As Head of Programme of the research group MAKE for the Waag, she works on large European research and innovation projects with international teams of artists, designers and scientists. Between 2014 - 2018 she was artistic director for Kunsthuis SYB, an artist-in-residence and presentation institution for contemporary visual arts in Beetsterzwaag, in addition she was coordinator and board member for Platform Beeldende Kunst.
Experience in committee and advisory work:
Applying/assessing project proposals and schemes at various funds and institutions; member Program Committee Kunsthuis Syb; board member Platform BK; project staff member VanDenEnde Foundation; project staff member Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.

Kianoosh Motallebi

As of 1 January 2022

Maritt Kuipers is artistic director and project leader at the intersection of art, design, technology and science. She studied Fine Arts at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and Anthropology and Artistic Research at the University of Amsterdam. As Head of Programme of the research group MAKE for the Waag, she works on large European research and innovation projects with international teams of artists, designers and scientists. Between 2014 - 2018 she was artistic director for Kunsthuis SYB, an artist-in-residence and presentation institution for contemporary visual arts in Beetsterzwaag, in addition she was coordinator and board member for Platform Beeldende Kunst.
Experience in committee and advisory work:
Applying/assessing project proposals and schemes at various funds and institutions; member Program Committee Kunsthuis Syb; board member Platform BK; project staff member VanDenEnde Foundation; project staff member Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.

Radna Rumping

As of 1 January 2022

Radna Rumping is a curator and writer. Her work is relational and collaborative, connected to public space, experimental archives, contemporary art (and its many histories), ways of coming together and forms of (in)visibility. She is co-founder of the artistic online radio platform Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee, partner at Loom - a practice for cultural transformation, and curated programs at the Oude Kerk Amsterdam and ArtEZ Zwolle, among others. As a writer, she develops essays that are often made public in audio form. She is also an advisor for the City Curatorium in Amsterdam (focusing on art in public space) and a board member of the Pauwhof Fund.
Experience in committee and advisory work: Advisor Mondriaanfonds ; advisor Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst; advisor Citycuratorium Amsterdam; jury member various academies; member Advisory Committee Visual Ar

Nadine Stijns

As of January 2022

As a visual artist, Nadine Stijns works on projects fed by her curiosity about socio-economic and/or political situations. Topics such as labor migration in a globalized world, diaspora communities and national identity in post-colonial regions fascinate her and inspire her projects. In recent years her work has reached a wider audience through exhibitions at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Contact Photo Festival Toronto, Format Photography Festival in Derby and lectures and publications in media such as The Ones to Watch issue of British Journal of Photography, Nataal and Metropolis M. She currently also teaches photography at the KABK (Royal Academy of Art The Hague) and HKU in Utrecht.
Experience in committee and advisory work:
Admissions committee academy HKU and KABK; external advisor for various academies.

Dewi Bekker

As of 1 September 2022

Dewi Bekker (1990) is an interdisciplinary artist. She graduated from the KABK in The Hague in 2013 at the Textile and Fashion department. Within her artistic practice she explores the ambiguity of identity and role playing within social structures. She creates installations in which she works with sculptures, the human body and objects. She is also part of the collective Das Leben am Haverkamp. Dewi Bekker's individual and collective work has been on show at Centraal Museum Utrecht, Zeeuws Museum, Le Signe - Center National du Graphisme (FR) and Bureau Europa a.o.
Experience in committee and advisory work:
Advisor for Amsterdamse Fonds voor de Kunsten.

Luuk Wilmering

As of 1 September 2022

Luuk Wilmering is a multidisciplinary artist who works mostly from artistic research within self-developed projects. His work includes photo series, collages, paintings, installations, text works, films and artist books. Installations and solo presentations of his work have been shown at Frans Hals Museum HOF and HAL, Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, Centraal Museum Utrecht, Stroom Den Haag, Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Museum De Pont and Institut Neérlandais (Paris). His work has also been shown at Teylers Museum, ACHK-De Paviljoens, the Van Abbemuseum, the Nederlands Fotomuseum, Musée Guislain (Ghent), and O/C Berlin. Wilmering's work is included in various museum collections, in The Netherlands and abroad.

Experience in committee and advisory work:
Advisor at the Mondriaan Fund; adviseur at the ABKV-committee of the city of Utrecht;  advisor at Fonds Kwadraat.

Review Committee

Simone van den Heuvel

committee member Reviewing

Lynne van Rhijn

committee member Reviewing

Maarten Schepers

committee member Reviewing