Spekying Rybawdy, the Temperament Index

<p>by Melanie Jackson with contr. by Ricardo Reverón Bianco, Tomas Groves, Hettie Judah. - Portsmouth : Aspex, 2024. - [66] p. : ill. ; 14,5 x 24 cm  <br>Includes notes </p>

ISBN: 9781738480401

The Temperament Index is the latest incarnation of Melanie Jackson's travelling project Spekyng Rybawdy. In this exhibition, of which some images are now collected in this book, the viewer is invited to wander amongst projected animations, cut-out figures and body bits, handmade clay objects, drawings and more, influenced by so called ‘Bawdy Badges'. These?secular badges, sexual badges or erotic pins from the 12th to the 16th Century, were made by and for the everyday working-class individual, who would sew them onto the outside of their clothing or pin them to their hats. Through a carnival of colorful, erotically charged characters, The Temperament Index encourages us to re-examine not only our ideas about who took part in the production and circulation of imagery in the medieval period - but also how this might enable us to reconsider the origins of dissenting representations, sexual politics and our attitudes and behaviors today.