The Architecture of Loneliness: Reflections on Displacement and Welcoming

<p>ed. by Mieke Bal ; with contr. by Ernst van Alphen, Mieke Bal, Lysiane Lamantowicz, Wahbie Long, Marie José Mondzain?; design by Lotte Lara Schröder - Amsterdam : Valiz, 2024. - 128 p. : ill. ; 23,5 cm <br>Includes notes,  index of names, index of keywords</p>

ISBN: 978-94-93246-35-5

The aftermath of the Covid restrictions, mental problems, being confronted with the influx of people with a different background and culture, the alienation of ourselves and of others, not being able to relate to other people; these can all cause deep feelings of loneliness. What is loneliness, as different from solitude? Whereas solitude is a chosen condition that refrains from social relations, loneliness suffers from the lack of these. The three essays in this book each explore a side of loneliness, strongly connected to the encounter with the other. For example South-African psychologist Wahbie Long brings together a great many aspects that all contribute to the feeling of loneliness that characterizes the lives of migrants, asylum seekers, or refugees on the road.