Lost and Living (in) Archives: Collectively Shaping New Memories

<p>editor Annet Dekker ; texts by Babak Afrassiabi, Dusan Barok, Tina Bastajian [...et al.]. - Amsterdam : Valiz, 2018. - 286 p. : ills. ; 22 cm. - (Making Public series) <br>Includes bibliographical references and index </p>

ISBN: 978-94-92095-26-8

Lost and Living (in) Archives shows that archives are not simply a recording, a reflection, or an image of an event, but that THEY shape the event itself and thus influence the past, present and future. It reflects on the changing role of archives in the digital age. Digital archives have changed from stable entities into flexible systems, at times referred to with the term ‘Living Archives'. In which ways has this change affected our relationship to the past? Will the erased, forgotten and neglected be redeemed, and new memories be allowed? Will the fictional versus factual mode of archiving offer the democracy that the public domain implies, or is it another way for public instruments of power to operate