Q - Meanderings in Worlds of Mourning

<p>initiated and ed. by Sophie Krier; with Rolando Vázquez, Saodat Ismailova. - Eindhoven : Onomatopee, 2023. - 128 p. : ill. ; 23,5 cm. - (Onomatopee 55.4 - Field Essays #5: Q). - (Eng. / Sp.). Includes notes, biographies </p>

ISBN: ISBN: 978-94-93148-83-3

In this 5th issue, Field Essays brings together Uzbek artist and filmmaker Saodat Ismailova with decolonial scholar Rolando Vázquez. While Ismailova came of age in the post-Sovjet era of Central Asia, Vázquez carries within him the ancestral geographies of the Latin American continent - or Abya Yala as indigenous peoples call her. The book sets out on a journey to find out what these differing cultures can learn from each other in terms of mourning and healing the triple colonial wound of timelessness, earthlessness and worldlessness (Vázquez: 2018). Can a book be a gesture of offering rather than a space of enunciation? Can it be a space of listening that can reconfigure inherited Western modes of thinking and working and create a space of ‘coming to voice' for silenced histories and life lines? The name given to this book and journey is Q. Meanderings in worlds of mourning. Q stands for the Uzbek word qyrq, number 40, which connects to many parts of Uzbek culture.