Thomas Bakker, fotograaf: onbekend
Atelierbezoeken Thomas Bakker: 15 en 16 juni
Op woensdag 15 en donderdag 16 juni 2022 zal beeldend kunstenaar, docent, en kernlid van kunstenaarsinitiatief Club Solo in Breda Thomas Bakker een aantal atelierbezoeken afleggen bij kunstenaars in Den Haag. Over zijn kunstenaarspraktijk en zijn interessegebieden zegt hij het volgende:
Strongly influenced by cinema and architecture my site-specific installations show constant research into narrative and space. I see filmed material as an extension and instant (re)presentation of my thinking. My temporary installations are assembled from pictures, projected slides, video and 16 mm film fragments and combined with everyday objects and their surroundings. I use the formal and restricted exhibition space as a studio to create a synthesis between alertness; being in a new place and the informal attitude that comes along with getting to know it; walking around aimlessly and exploring. This paradox of curiosity and disinterest works for me both as an artist and a visitor. I combine the process of production and exhibition making with the intent to question the status of the sketch and the final piece. The result however is presented in a clear and formal way. I clean up and let the space show my work and itself. I relate with the motives and practices of artists that use the process of transformation and (re)location as their main source of inspiration or even as conceptual and material resource. Besides my own practice I feel the need and urgency to connect and organize exhibitions with and for other artists. Examples are the exhibition Parkplatz and artist run space Club Solo.
Als je geïnteresseerd bent in een atelierbezoek van Thomas Bakker kun je dat tot en met zondag 22 mei 2022 laten weten. De binnengekomen reacties worden samen met eventuele suggesties vanuit Stroom aan Thomas voorgelegd. Uit de lijst zal hij een keuze maken op basis waarvan het bezoekprogramma wordt samengesteld. Je ontvangt kort na het verstrijken van de aanmeldingsdeadline een bericht wanneer je bent geselecteerd voor een atelierbezoek.
Beknopte biografie
Thomas Bakker earned his Bachelor's degree from AKV|St.Joost, Breda and his MFA in 2002 from the Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam where he majored in Sculpture and New Media.
Bakker's work has been shown at Post CS-Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven, Middelheimmuseum Antwerp (BE), Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Centraal Museum Utrecht, Neue Galerie München (DE), Glasgow Sculpture Studios, (UK), LOOP Video Art, Barcelona (ES) and at several art initiatives and residencies in and outside of the Netherlands. He established the artist-run space Club Solo in Breda in 2014.
Over Thomas Bakker
"Thomas Bakker's conceptual practice explores the way that ideas can be communicated through form, incorporating a diverse range of media including installation, sculpture, photography, film and text. Bakker employs strategies of exhibition making that are often site-specific, viewing exhibitions as a catalyst to produce a reservoir of possible meanings and discursive experiences. His poetic work derives its refined aesthetic from a wide range of influences including film, sculpture and literature. Visual or textual sources and ideas are often repeated across different bodies of work, an indication of his desire to keep ideas in play or to bring them back to life as raw material for future use."
* excerpt from text: UPEXHIBITTAKEDOWNBUILD, 2017, A.Owen, Glasgow Sculpture Studios (UK)