Marcel Pinas, foto: courtesy the artist
Atelierbezoeken Marcel Pinas: 11 en 12 mei
Open oproep: Digital Dialogues met Marcel Pinas op 11 en 12 mei 2021
In het verlengde van het maandelijks atelierbezoekprogramma organiseert Stroom tijdens de lockdown Digital Dialogues: online één-op-één gesprekken voor Haagse kunstenaars met een interessante kunstenaar, schrijver of curator. Je kunt nu aanmelden voor een Digital Dialogue met beeldend kunstenaar Marcel Pinas.
Op dinsdag 11 en woensdag 12 mei 2021 zal beeldend kunstenaar en organisator Marcel Pinas via Zoom gesprekken voeren met kunstenaars in Den Haag over hun kunstpraktijk. Pinas woont en werkt in Moengo (Suriname). Naast zijn eigen kunstpraktijk is hij oprichter van Stichting Kibii, dat o.a. Tembe Art Studio, Contemporary Art Museum Moengo en het Moengo Festival of Visual Arts realiseerde. Voor zijn interessegebieden verwijzen we naar zijn artist statement en beknopte biografie (zie beneden).
Artist statement:
"With his striking colorful paintings and the strong statements of his modern engaged art installations, all addressing his now famous theme of "Kibri a Kulturu", Marcel has made quite an impression in the many countries worldwide where he has traveled and exhibited in the past years. For his art, his exhibitions and his studies and residencies abroad are to Marcel not just a way to further his career as an artist, but they are to him a vehicle; a means to an end; a way to build an artists' platform, with a base large and strong enough to allow him to fulfill his most recent and urgent mission. The mission involves the Surinamese district of Marowijne, which is home to several maroon villages including Pelgrimkondre, the village where Marcel Pinas was born. Despite it's difficult past, characterized by a violent and destructive guerilla war in the 1980s, and the lack of attention from the government for the plight of maroon and indigenous communities, Marcel sees a bright future for the district of Marowijne. The artist strives to make Marowijne the art district of Suriname. He envisions a ‘Marowijne Art Park' with public art installations and objects from local and international artists and a ‘Marowijne Cultural Center' where the local population will be trained in visual as well as performing arts. The objective of this project, for which Pinas is already laying the groundwork in Marowijne, is to attract tourism to the area, create employment opportunities and increase pride and appreciation of communities for their own cultural heritage. Work by Marcel Pinas, be it two dimensional or three dimensional, intensely colorful or shockingly somber, is always captivating and deeply meaningful. It attests not only of great skill and artistic talent, but also of great determination and dedication to his cause."
Als je geïnteresseerd bent in een online gesprek over je werk en kunstenaarspraktijk met Marcel Pinas, dan kun je dat tot maandag 3 mei 2021 laten weten. De binnengekomen reacties worden samen met eventuele suggesties vanuit Stroom aan Marcel voorgelegd, waarna hij een keuze zal maken. Je ontvangt een bericht wanneer je door de kunstenaar bent geselecteerd voor een gesprek. Houd er rekening mee dat de gesprekken in verband met het tijdsverschil in de late middag zullen plaatsvinden.
Beknopte biografie
Marcel Pinas was born in 1971, in the district of Marowijne in East-Suriname, in the village Pelgrimkondre. As a teenager he moves to the capital city Paramaribo. His art teacher in school recognizes his talent and convinces him to enroll at the Nola Hatterman Art Institute, from which he graduates in 1990. He studies at the Edna Manley College for the Visual and Performing Arts in Jamaica, is artist in residence at the Vermont Studio Center in the USA, the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam, travels all around the world, but remains forever true to his roots. The theme Kibri A Kulturu (preserve the culture) is his main driving force and source of inspiration.
With his art Marcel Pinas aims to create a lasting record of the lifestyle and traditions of the Maroons and hopes to create a worldwide awareness and appreciation for the unique traditional communities in Suriname and the serious threats they are facing today. He is the founder of the Kibii foundation which includes an art park and cultural center where the youth from his hometown is trained and motivated to build a future based upon the strength of their own culture.