Learning from the Earth
Learning from the Earth
ISBN: 9783907112649
/ ed. by Johannes M. Hedinger; contr. by Ravi Agarwal, Lucius Burckhardt, Brigitte Jurack …[et al.]. - Zürich ; St. Gallen/Berlin : ILEA (Institute for Land and Environmental Art) ; Vexer, 2023. - 176 p. : ill. ; 18,5 cm. - (Deu. / Eng.) Includes notes
The texts, ideas, instructions, and art projects gathered in this book reflect on our relationship with the earth and the lessons we can derive from it. The contributions not only urge us to respond to the pressing issue of climate emergency, but also remind of certain neglected or unlearned ways in which we can engage in dialogue with the earth. What they have in common is the question of how we can shape a more ecological and just future. The publication is also dedicated to the artworks that were part of the Biennale Art Safiental 2022, inviting the public to freely explore contemporary landscape and environmental art. Under the title Learning from the Earth 15 works were spread over the entire valley. Artists: Lara Almarcegui, Badel/Sarbach, Ursula Biemann, Julius von Bismarck, Buchli/Isenschmid, Com&Com, Saskia Edens, Lithic Alliance, Marcus Maeder, !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Dharmendra Prasad, Simon/Odermatt, Sound Kite Ensemble, Gerda Steiner/Jörg Lenzlinger, Ben Vautier, … [et al.]