Stroom Invest Week 2020

Aan de Invest Week 2020 doen kunstenaars mee die in 2019 een PRO Invest regeling ontvingen.

Invest Week 2022, foto: Stroom Den Haag

Locatie: Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1-9, Den Haag
Datum: 21 - 25 september 2020

De PRO Stroom Invest regeling ondersteunt jonge kunstenaars in hun ontwikkeling en is bedoeld om academieverlaters aan de stad te binden. Om de jonge kunstenaars een extra impuls te geven wordt jaarlijks het zogenaamde Stroom Invest programma georganiseerd.

Nederlandse en buitenlandse curatoren bezoeken ateliers van Haagse kunstenaars. Ook leden van de adviescommissie PRO leggen in dit kader atelierbezoeken af. Stroom zet deze contacten later breder in ten behoeve van Haagse kunstenaars door de zichtbaarheid d.m.v. tentoonstellingen, presentaties en uitwisselingen te vergroten.

Deelnemende kunstenaars
Alex Andropoulos, Eline Benjaminsen, Kim David Bots, Márton Kabai, Minsook Kang, Brigitte Louter, Alexandra Martens Serrano, Jeannette Slütter, Gabey Tjon a Tham.

Uitgenodigde curatoren & kunstenaars
Youri Appelo, Melchior Jaspers, Nomaduma Rosa Masilela, Fadwa Naamna, Navid Nuur, Margarita Osipian, Sona Stepanyan, Rieke Vos;

Youri Appelo
Youri Appelo (1991, NL) is a curator, advisor and mediator based in Arnhem, the Netherlands. With a background in Arts Education (BA) and Museology (MA) his curatorial endeavours deal with a wide-span of activities, formats and subjects. He engages with subjects within ecological, economic, social and political domains, whereby he pursuits open questions about how we could shape our (possible) futures. With an interest for artistic practices that translate complex notions into poetical, investigative, discursive and critical works of art, Appelo aims to bring these works to the forefront and with that examines the value of art for our contemporary societies. He currently is artistic director and curator for Expoplu in Nijmegen, he works as advisor for the Mondriaan Fund, he is a member of the program committee of VHDG and board member of RUIS. Appelo was also former curator-in-residency of Schloss Ringenberg and curator of The Day of the Young Artist 2018.

Melchior Jaspers
Melchior Jaspers (1987) studeerde Kunstgeschiedenis (MA) en Bedrijfskunde (MA). Hij is nu werkzaam als tentoonstellingsmaker en werkt als kunstadviseur voor de Rijksbouwmeester (Floris Alkemade). In die hoedanigheid adviseert hij over de toepassing van kunst bij Rijksgebouwen. Hij begeleidt de kunstenaar vanaf de fase van opdrachtverstrekking tot de uiteindelijke oplevering van het kunstwerk. De percentageregeling bestaat al erg lang en is een mooie gelegenheid voor kunstenaars om een groot werk in de (semi) publieke ruimte te maken. Kunstenaars die binnenkort werk opleveren zijn bijvoorbeeld: Anne de Vries, Kasper Bosmans en Nicole Eisenman. Recent stonden onder andere op de longlist Francis Upritchard, Lubaina Himid en Ibrahim Mahama. In 2019 organiseerde hij een tentoonstelling bij W139 met o.a. Thomas Hirschhorn, Meschac Gaba en Aernout Mik. Eind 2019 maakte hij met Julia Mullié een tentoonstelling bij Nest in Den Haag met Wim T. Schippers en Daniel van Straalen. Begin 2020 organiseerde hij bij Galerie Tobias Naehring in Leipzig een tentoonstelling met werk van Dan Zhu, Sarah Ksieska, Anne Fellner en Zofia Palucha. Op dit moment werkt hij aan twee tentoonstellingen voor de C.o.C.A. commissie in Rotterdam op twee verschillende locaties, komt er een tentoonstelling aan met onder andere werk van Carel Visser en Agata Ingarden bij Kunstfort Vijfhuizen. Hij werkt ook aan een groepstentoonstelling bij Galerie Tobias Naehring en aan een tentoonstelling bij Fragile, beide in Berlijn.

Nomaduma Rosa Masilela
Nomaduma Rosa Masilela is an artist, writer, and curator currently based in Berlin. Her work and interests center around collective work and strategy; public and performance art; ideas of the uncanny, the absurd, the dissonant; and the ambivalent natures of authenticity, history, and identity production. She holds a master's in art history and philosophy from Columbia University in New York City. Previous years of research focused on collective and performance art practices in Dakar, Senegal, and her writing and curatorial practice have generally worked in service of critically supporting the work of queer and femme-identifying artists from the Global South and its diasporas. She has written essays for various exhibition catalogues and publications, including but not limited to: Blackness at MoMA (US, 2019), We don't need another hero (DE, 2018), Portia Zvavahera: I'm with You (ZA, 2017), as well as for publications for the Studio Museum in Harlem (USA), amongst others. Her curatorial practice includes exhibitions and projects with the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam (NL), the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and The Kitchen in New York, as well as contributions as co-curator of the 10th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, titled We don't need another hero (2018).

Fadwa Naamna
Fadwa Naamna (1985, Palestine) is a curator and researcher based in Amsterdam. She has a background in arts, geography and curatorial studies. Her practice is concerned with the intersectional relations between art, politics and society. Naamna is an alumna of de Appel Curatorial Program (2016-2017) and she worked as a Curatorial Research Fellow at de Appel (2017-2018). Previously, she was an Assistant Curator at Beit Hagefen Arab Jewish Cultural Center in Haifa (2014-2016). Currently, Naamna is working on co-curating the next Municipal Art Acquisitions Exhibition 2020 at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Navid Nuur
Navid Nuur (Tehran, 1976) lives and works in The Hague. He started out as a graphic designer and illustrator, next he chose a career as an autonomous visual artist and gained international renown with exhibitions in leading galleries and art institutes all over the world. His work is included in many important international collections. Stroom Den Haag has supported the artist from the very early days of his career, both with grants and presentations. Solo exhibitions by Navid Nuur were shown at a.o.: art center Matadero, Madrid; Parasol, London; and Centre Pompidou, Paris. In 2010 he was the winner of the prestigious Volkskrant Beeldende Kunst Prijs; in 2011 he was one of the winners of the Koninklijke Prijs voor Vrije Schilderkunst and in 2013 he received the Discoveries Prize of the pilot edition of Art Basel Hong Kong.

Margarita Osipian
Margarita Osipian is a curator, researcher, and writer living and working in Amsterdam. Engaging with the intersections and frictions between art, design, technology, and language, she organizes collaborative projects both in formal institutions and in more precarious and fleeting spaces. Holding an MA in Media Studies from the University of Amsterdam and an MA in English Literature from the University of Toronto, her research has focused on visual culture, technology, and the carceral state. Margarita is part of The Hmm, a platform for internet cultures; a member of the Hackers & Designers collective; and an editor and curator for Versal, an art and literature journal based out of Amsterdam. She has done programming and curated exhibitions for W139, Salwa Foundation, TodaysArt, Bits of Freedom, Tetem, Hackers & Designers, and Mediamatic, amongst others.

Sona Stepanyan
Sona Stepanyan (b. 1987, Armenia) is an independent curator, based in Moscow. She graduated from Svobodnie Masterskie Curatorial School (Moscow), Critics and Curatorship program of UNIC Institute (Moscow) and State Moscow Pedagogical University. She is also a member and co-founder of DIY Curatorial Studio Triangle, which focuses on supporting emerging professionals. From 2016 to 2018 Stepanyan held a position of Curator in Armenia Art Foundation. Previously, she worked at the Education Department of Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow, where she managed public programs for exhibitions, international conferences, and seminars, as well as music festivals, lectures, and talks. Sona is a 2017 finalist of the 9th edition of Premio di Lorenzo Bonaldi per L'Arte, organized by GAMeC Museum, Bergamo and has successfully participated in a young curators' competition by EUNIC and British Council (2015) and young curators' competition by Garage Museum of Contemporary Art (2014).

Rieke Vos
Rieke Vos (1981, Arnhem) is curator and writer based in Amsterdam and works in a cross-disciplinary field of art, popular culture, architecture and urban life. She is a curator for Het HEM, a recently opened home for contemporary culture in Zaandam where she developed three mayor exhibitions in conversation with respectively Edson Sabajo & Guilleaume ‘Gee' Schmidt, Nicolás Jaar and Maarten Spruyt. She is currently curator of ALL INN, a national fine arts graduation show that will take place in November of this year also at Het HEM. In her previous position as curator at the former NDSM shipyard, a 16 hectares post-industrial site in the north of Amsterdam, she commissioned and developed a series of large-scale art projects in response to the rapid urban transformation and gentrification of this area, including The After Glow III by Navid Nuur, Ferrotopia by Atelier van Lieshout, Void-Non-Void by Gabriel Lester and the inauguration of the conceptual club Societeit Sexyland by Aukje Dekker & Arthur van Beek. Vos was a participant of De Appel Curatorial Programme 2010-2011, and holds a master-degree in Art History from the University of Amsterdam