Stroom Bibliotheeksessies: Liang-Kai Yu

Locatie: bibliotheek Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1-9
Wanneer: zondag 18 februari 2024

On Sunday 18 February we enjoyed our first library session of 2024. This time our main guest was Liang-Kai Yu. 

'It's the system... Embracing failure as queer/feminist strategies for transforming curatorial and artistic practices'

On a dark, wet Sunday afternoon, an ideal time for a good conversation, Liang-Kai Yu is our main guest. As a regular visitor to our Stroom library, the Taiwanese PhD researcher, curator, writer and co-founder of Limestone Books in Maastricht, had already recommended several interesting books for our collection. It was the reason to ask him whether he would like to meet more artists in The Hague, who would probably be very interested in his research and practice. Conversely, for Liang-Kai, who has lived here for quite some time already, but does not yet know many people from The Hague's artistic field, it is a nice opportunity to enlarge his network and knowledge. So we are with a small group. However, experience has shown that fruitful encounters also arise in small sessions. Once again, this was the case.

Together with his guests, the Hague artists Travis Geertruida and Yun Lee, Liang Kai investigated the (im)possibilities of queering the museum. Read the report and find out more  about the importance of archives, interesting books, queer and feminist initiatives, and why Liang-Kai advocates for failure as an important  strategy to change artistic and curatorial practices.

