Foto: Ronald Tilleman
Het Srebrenica Monument
Reflecties over de rol van een nieuw monument in de stad van Vrede en RechtReflecties over de rol van een nieuw monument in de stad van Vrede en Recht. Dit gesprek vindt zowel plaats op locatie bij Stroom als online via streaming. Het publiek wordt uitgenodigd actief deel te nemen, ideeën aan te leveren en vragen te stellen.
Locatie: Stroom, Hogewal 1-9, Den Haag
Wanneer: 17 september 2020, 17.00-19.30 uur
Voertaal: Engels
Deze presentatie is deel van het culturele programma See You in The Hague, een veelzijdige vertelling over de ambitie en werkelijkheid van Den Haag als Internationale Stad van Vrede en Recht.
Erna Rijsdijk (universitair docent militaire ethiek, Defence Academy), Otto Spijkers (professor internationaal recht, Wuhan University), Sabina Tanovic (architect, actief in Memorial Committee Nationaal Monument Srebrenica Genocide '95), Eliane Bots (kunstenaar).
Gevolgd door een discussie met bijdragen van het online en offline publiek.
Moderator: Leila Prnjavorac
Toelichting (Engelstalig)
On 11 July 2020, the fall of the Srebrenica enclave was commemorated with a ceremony and a semi-permanent monument in the form of a photo installation by the Bosnian Girl Collective in the center of The Hague. Stroom Den Haag supported this project a.o. with the window presentation Srebrenica is Dutch history, as part of its long-running program See You in The Hague which explores the identity of The Hague as an International City of Peace and Justice through art.
On the day of the commemoration, the mayor of the City of The Hague announced his full support to a Srebrenica Monument. The event Stroom organizes on 17 September aims at bringing to the surface the key ideas and feelings that should be included in the process of creating such a monument. Besides artists, experts from different disciplines - mainly international law, military history, and policy making - are invited to reflect on a number of key questions. What is the form and function that such a monument should take? What are the lessons learned from similar monuments and from current iconoclasm? What is the impact of monuments today? How best to label public space in The Hague, the International City of Peace and Justice, as a space for visual dialogue on peace and justice-related topics? What are the boundaries of international law and the national legal systems in order to better understand the Dutch involvement in Srebrenica? Furthermore, we hope to touch upon the role of trauma in creating a better understanding for and identifying the conditions that enable extremist developments within society that eventually could lead to genocide.
Jegens & Tevens, 21 september 2020
Also of interest:
Exhibition: From what will we reassemble ourselves (until 3 January 2021)Venice Film Festival 2020
Film: Quo vadis, Aida (director: Jasmila Zbanic)
See You in The Hague