Stroom Young Talent Award

Attention for starters

Stroom wants to scout talent, support and bind talent to the city of The Hague. Since 2011, Stroom has been organizing a specific talent development program for a number of graduates of the Royal Academy of Art (KABK). It focuses on artistic development and on the broadening and strengthening of their professional practice. It used to be called the KABK Invest Program, but it has been renamed in 2022.

The participating starters are supervised throughout the year by established artists from The Hague and, in close consultation, realize work plans to start their professional practice.

Stroom Young Talent Award 2024
Jojo Knowles (BA Fine Arts) Marion Haguet (BA Fine Arts), Tashiya de Mel (MA Photography & Society), Alia Léonardi (MA Photography & Society).
Coaches: Marie Civikov and Maja Bekan 

Stroom Young Talent Award 2023
Myra-Ida van der Veen, Milu Chen/ muli, Christian Schwarz (Bachelor ArtScience) and Silke Riis (Bachelor Fine Arts).
Coaches: Mike Rijnierse and Mickey Yang.

Stroom Young Talent Award 2022
Jamal Ageli, Paulina Trzeciak, Georgina Pantazopoulou and Zela Odessa Palmer. 
Coaches: Eliane Esther Bots and Jeannette Slütter.