Oproep inschrijving atelierbezoek Anna Ptak op 15 en 16 mei 2017

Op maandag 15 en dinsdag 16 mei 2017 zal Anna Ptak - Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in Warschau (Polen) - een aantal atelierbezoeken afleggen bij kunstenaars in Den Haag. Onderstaand de interessegebieden van de curator.

"Anna Ptak is a curator interested in exploring artistic practice as a form of knowledge and activism.
In her curating and research she refers to institutional and social conditions of cultural production in different socio-political contexts. Alongside artists and through involvement in different stages of their organisation of art work Ptak focuses also on different publics it involves."
"Practices I am interested in exploring currently: those that have a long-term and evolving structure of research (action research), and production, referring to particular forms of life, social classes (especially working-class culture), artistic and cultural collectives. Audio-visual practice - cinematographic, documentary and video-art. Exploring of reorganisation of artistic and social institutions of common use, collaborative structures and tactics. Also, those starting from a strong methodological insight into performance, forms of research and production."

Aanmelden (deadline dinsdag 9 mei 2017)
Als je geïnteresseerd bent in een atelierbezoek van Anna Ptak kun je dat uiterlijk dinsdag 9 mei a.s. laten weten. Wij vragen je via de volgende link:
je interesse voor een atelierbezoek benknopt in het Engels te motiveren. De binnengekomen reacties worden samen met eventuele suggesties vanuit Stroom aan de curator voorgelegd. Uit de lijst zal de curator een keuze maken op basis waarvan het bezoekprogramma zal worden samengesteld. Je ontvangt alleen een bericht wanneer je door de curator bent geselecteerd voor een atelierbezoek.

Beknopte biografie van de curator
Anna Ptak works as a curator at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw since 2008, where, except for curating exhibitions and projects she is co-responsible for a research-oriented residency programme. Among her recent projects there are Maja Bekan: 23 Assemblies - exhibition as a performative practice of gathering; The Blue Box. Common Places and Contemporary Artistic Practices (2016-17, with 5 partner curators and organisations in Eastern Europe co-producing new site-specific artworks and a discourse accompanying them); kurz / dust / ghobar (2015-17, with Amanda Abi Khalil) on politics of materiality. The kurz / dust / ghobar exhibition and the forthcoming publication examined the artistic practices and their implication in grand processes of material reorganisation of lived experience such as ecological activism, migration, necropolitics, competition for resources and labour in digital era of communication. Involved were artists from Europe, Middle East and Central Asia. As an editor she has been responsible for various publications, among others: The Make Yourself at Home Guide to Warsaw (2015, with Rani Al Rajji and Monnik) - a vernacular urbanism textbook and a subjective guide to the city; On Artist Run Initiatives and Places (2016, with Agnieszka Pindera and Wiktoria Szczupacka), a critical anthology being a result of self-initiated research on issues of collaboration, self-organisation and the role of artist-run initiatives in Poland.

The Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art
The Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art is a place where we want to reflect on the world by means of art - a world which is understood both as our backyard, but also as the vast space beyond it. We believe that a better understanding of contemporaneity helps in a more conscious and empowered participation in the extremely complex global processes, to which Poland is also a part. For us, contemporary art is a tool in the research and interpretation of diverse phenomena. Artists, who have at their disposal such means as imagination, intuition, sensitivity and discipline, are capable of capturing the otherwise invisible or omitted aspects of reality, placing them in a new light. They are also best equipped to stir our curiosity. Ujazdowski is thus a space for non-standard activities and creative experimentation conducted in a dialogue and communication of artists and their audiences. We are trans-disciplinary, we stimulate creation at the intersection of many different disciplines, we offer our viewers new forms and qualities, and encourage them to explore.
Over het atelierbezoekprogramma
Stroom nodigt sinds 2006 regelmatig curatoren, kunstenaars en critici uit binnen- en buitenland uit om atelierbezoeken af te leggen bij Haagse kunstenaars. Het atelierbezoek biedt de kunstenaar de gelegenheid om zich met zijn/ haar werk te presenteren. Het vormt een gelegenheid tot opbouwende kritische reflectie op het werk in een gedachtenwisseling met een gekwalificeerde expert. En in het verlengde hiervan wordt natuurlijk de bekendheid met het werk gestimuleerd. Contactpersoon: Natascha Helmer

Verwachte atelierbezoeken 2017
Juni: Natasha Ginwala - Contour 8 Biennale, Mechelen
Juli: Emanuel Guidi - ar/ge kunst, Kunstverein Bolzano