Zefir7: Typographic Playground

Dinsdag 19 februari 2019, 20:30 uur (deur open: 20 uur)
Locatie: Stroom, Hogewal 1-9, Den Haag
Voertaal: Engels
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Zefir7 is het maandelijks ontwerperscafé bij Stroom Den Haag i.s.m. BNO. Deze keer de avond Typographic Playground met de vormgevers Johannes Verwoerd en Edgar Walthert.

Johannes Verwoerd
"How I became a shepherd and the words became sheep.
When I started working as a typographer I thought it was my job to put words and shapes into place with great precision. But I got bored with my own shapes and placements pretty soon. The fun came back when I started to create situations where things design themselves. So nowadays I just hang around and watch, doing as less as I possibly can. Just when words escape, I send my dog."

Johannes Verwoerd (1985, Amsterdam) is designer and art director. His practice Johannes Verwoerd Studio creates visual identities, publications and installations for clients, mostly from the world of culture and arts. His work is a airy rendez-vous between language, typography, animation and design, resulting in a minimalistic, humoristic and eclectic portfolio. An active and enthusiastic approach to the profession translates into a mix of self initiated projects and solution focussed design for clients. Previously Johannes was partner at Van Onna, Verwoerd. He is also founder of International Silence, a collaboration between Twan Janssen and himself. He works from his studio in the east of Amsterdam. Johannes worked previously for Atelier NĂ©erlandais, AVL Mundo (Atelier Van Lieshout), Centraal Museum Utrecht, Elephant Magazine, Frame Publishers, Fries Museum, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Nederlands Letterenfonds, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.

Edgar Walthert
Edgar Walthert's business card reads graphic- and type-design. The ratio of these two poles, however, fluctuates persistently though both are always in place and influence on another.
This talk will outline how the interplay in Edgar's practice tends to blur the distinctions between these two disciplines in exciting ways. With his graduation at Type&Media at the KABK, The Hague in 2007, he professionalized his passion for type and extended this experience with a placement at LucasFonts in Berlin. Edgar recently released his new typeface Logical through Bold Monday and helped in the development of the new bespoke typeface IBM Plex. His design methodology is to reduce content into its most essential form without losing the impact of a particular message. This approach is clearly present in the set of icons that are included inside the typeface Logical. These icons express their most simplified shape without sacrificing their significance.

Edgar Walthert: t-shirt design
foto: courtesy the artist
Edgar Walthert: t-shirt design
foto: courtesy the artist
Johannes Verwoerd: Toile Magazine
foto: courtesy the artist
Johannes Verwoerd: Toile Magazine
foto: courtesy the artist
BNO (Beroepsorganisatie Nederlandse Ontwerpers)