Stroom Invest Week 2019

17 t/m 21 juni 2019
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Publieke avond Invest Week 2019
Woensdag 19 juni, 19.30 (deur open 19.00 uur)
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De PRO Invest subsidie is een belangrijk instrument dat jonge, pas afgestudeerde kunstenaars in staat stelt zich verder te ontwikkelen, onder meer in hun actieve betrokkenheid bij de Haagse kunstwereld. De Stroom Invest Week bestaat, behalve uit de gespreksavond, uit een programma van atelierbezoeken, presentaties en informele ontmoetingen met het doel de zichtbaarheid van Haagse kunstenaars te vergroten, reflectie op hun werk te bieden en in het verlengde daarvan de bekendheid met hun werk te stimuleren.

Interviews op Jegens & Tevens
Met de curatoren, critici en kunstenaars die deelnemen aan de Stroom Invest Week 2019 verschijnen in de komende tijd interviews op Jegens en Tevens. Klik op de titels in de lijst Deelnemende Kunstenaars, Curatoren en Critici om de interviews te lezen.

Aan de Invest Week doen kunstenaars mee die in 2018 een PRO Invest (of Premium) subsidie ontvingen.

Dewi Bekker
Jegens & Tevens, 13 May 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / artist Dewi Bekker

Florentijn de Boer
Jegens & Tevens, 29 May 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / artist Florentijn de Boer

Lydia Buijs
Jegens & Tevens, 22 May 2019

Iliada Charalambous
Jegens & Tevens, 3 May 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / artist Iliada Charalambous

Afra Eisma
Jegens & Tevens, 7 May 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / artist Afra Eisma

Paul de Jong
Jegens & Tevens, 7 May 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / artist Paul de Jong

Sjuul Joosen
Jegens & Tevens, 5 June 2019
Stroom Invest interviews / artist Sjuul Joosen

Joeri Woudstra
Jegens & Tevens, 12 June 2019
Stroom Invest interviews / artist Joeri Woudstra

Mickey Yang
Jegens & Tevens, 23 April 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / artist Mickey Yang

Anna Sophie de Vries
Jegens & Tevens, 31 May 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / artist Anna Sophie de Vries


Catherine Biocca (Italy)
Jegens & Tevens, 24 May 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / artist Catherine Biocca
Catherine Biocca (1984) is an artist based in Rome, Italy and Berlin (Germany). She got her BA in Political Sciences at the Luiss University, studied fine arts at the Academy in Düsseldorf and was a resident at the Rijksakademie van beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam (2014-2015). She currently lives and works in Berlin.

Florian Weigl (the Netherlands)
Jegens & Tevens, 25 April 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / curator Florian Weigl
Florian Weigl (1985) is curator at V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam. As curator and researcher he is interested in the intersection between art, technology and its social impact. He also works as an independent curator, is an advisor for the Mondriaan Fund, a member of the Culture Advisory Committee Province Overijssel and Gelderland, and a supervisory board member for Het Kunstlokaal at DeSchool, Amsterdam.

Joanna Zielinska (Poland)
Jegens & Tevens, 3 June 2019
Joanna Zielinska is an art historian, writer, exhibition maker, performance curator and researcher. She is Head of Performing Arts Department at Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw. From 2011-2015 she was a Head Curator at the Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor - Cricoteka in Kraków. She is the former Artistic Director at the Znaki Czasu Centre of Contemporary Art (CoCA) in Toru?, Poland. In 2010-2011 she was in residence at International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York.

Laila Hida (Morocco)
Jegens & Tevens, 27 May 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / curator Laila Hida
Laila Hida's work explores through individual and collective projects unnegotiated spaces, social practices and the idea of transformation as a constant. Her current project Tout est Temporaire (Everything is Temporary) builds upon her personal (textual and photographic) archive in search for ways of addressing intimacy, resilience, auto-analysis, as markers of the infinitude of an artwork through time and space. In 2013, Hida's artistic and entrepreneurial projects merged when she became founder of le 18, Derb el Ferrane, a multidisciplinary art space based in marrakech. Le 18 emerged as an artist-run initiative, extending her long-term intention to understand and respond to how global tourism shapes local landscapes and their perceptions. Le 18's programs offer a space where artists, curators and researchers can experiment, learn and share knowledge and experiences through exhibitions, talks, gatherings and residencies, in order to build social and creative networks that benefit local communities. She is currently a Soros Art Fellow.

Mizuki Endo (Japan/Vietnam)
Jegens & Tevens, 9 May 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / curator Mizuki Endo
Mizuki Endo (Sapporo, 1975) is a curator, art consultant and writer. He works as the executive director of Higashiyama Artists Placement Service (HAPS) in Kyoto since 2011, and as the artistic director of Vincom Center for Contemporary Art (VCCA) in Hanoi since 2017. Endo has established three artists-run spaces in Asia; Art Space Tetra (Fukuoka, 2004), Future Prospects Art Space (Manila, 2005) and Playroom (Mito, 2007). He was awarded the 3rd Lorenzo Bonaldi Art Prize (Bergamo, 2005), was the networking curator of Singapore Biennale 2006, the director of Arcus Project (Moriya, Japan, 2007-2010), the curator of Cream: International Festival for Arts and Media, Yokohama (2009), the collaborative curator of Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 2009, the curator of Yutaka Sone: Perfect Moment (Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, 2011), and the residence program director of Kunisaki Art Festival (Oita, Japan, 2014).

Raphael Fonseca (Brazil)
Jegens & Tevens, 30 April 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / curator Raphael Fonseca
Raphael Fonseca is a researcher in the areas of curating, art history, art criticism and education. He currently works as a curator at Contemporary Art Museum of Niterói and is a professor at Colégio Pedro II. PhD in Critic and Art History (State University of Rio de Janeiro). He received the Marcantonio Vilaça Curatorial Award (2015) and the Centro Cultural São Paulo curatorial award (2017). He was a resident curator at Manchester School of Art (2016).

Sandino Scheidegger (Switzerland)
Jegens & Tevens, 15 May 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / curator Sandino Scheidegger
Sandino Scheidegger (1984) is a curator from Switzerland who lives and works in Paris and Zurich. He has roots in Costa Rica, where he was the artistic director of the Despacio Center for Contemporary Art (2016-2019). As co-founder of Random Institute, he has directed more than 80 multidisciplinary art projects across the world. His unconventional exhibitions have included works by artists like Richard Long, James Lee Byars, Zilvinas Kempinas, Guido van der Werve, Carey Young, Julian Charrière, and Federico Herrero.

Tereza Jindrová (Czech Republic)
Jegens & Tevens, 14 June 2019
Stroom Invest interviews / curator Tereza Jindrová
Tereza Jindrová is a curator and art writer based in Prague. In general, she is interested in methods of creating curatorial ‘frames' to layer different interactions between artists, artworks and the public. Recently she has focused on the topic of human-animal relations, environmentalism, rational and irrational aspects of healing, irrational beliefs and magic in production of knowledge, and gender stereotypes in the context of artistic creativity. She works as a curator and researcher in Jindrich Chalupecky Society, where she co-curates an ongoing project Islands: Possibilities of Togetherness. On a long term basis she also cooperates with Gallery Entrance, an artist-run space in Prague. In the past years, she curated Alexandra Pirici's performative project Delicate Instruments of Engagement at National Gallery, Prague; Healing at Meetfactory in Prague and in Czech Centre Berlin; performance project Hands over Heels by Barbora Kleinhamplová at Art in General, New York; or Apparatus for a Utopian Image at EFA Project Space, New York.

Yasmijn Jarram (the Netherlands)
Jegens & Tevens, 10 June 2019
Stroom Invest Interviews / curator Yasmijn Jarram
Yasmijn Jarram (1984) is curator at GEM museum for contemporary art in The Hague. Before that she worked as a freelance curator for Garage Rotterdam, Nest in The Hague and 21rozendaal in Enschede (the Netherlands). As a writer she contributed to catalogues and magazines such as Metropolis M, De Groene Amsterdammer and Mister Motley. She is a founding board member of Kunsthalle Amsterdam and jury member for Prix de Rome 2019.

Overzicht Stroom Invest Weken 2007-heden


Stroom Invest Week 2019: Tereza Jindrová visits the studio of Dewi Bekker
foto: Christian van der Kooy, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Stroom Invest Week 2019: Yasmijn Jarram visits the studio of Florentijn de Boer
foto: Christian van der Kooy, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Stroom Invest Week 2019: Laila Hida visits the studio of Lydia Buijs
foto: Christian van der Kooy, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Stroom Invest Week 2019: Raphael Fonseca visits the studio of Iliada Charalambous
foto: Christian van der Kooy, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Stroom Invest Week 2019: Sandino Scheidegger visits the studio of Afra Eisma
foto: Christian van der Kooy, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Stroom Invest Week 2019: Joanna Zielinska visits the studio of Paul de Jong
foto: Christian van der Kooy, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Stroom Invest Week 2019: Catherine Biocca visits the studio of Sjuul Joosen
foto: Christian van der Kooy, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Stroom Invest Week 2019: Florian Weigl visits the studio of Joeri Woudstra
foto: Christian van der Kooy, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Stroom Invest Week 2019: Mizuki Endo visits the studio of Mickey Yang
foto: Christian van der Kooy, courtesy Stroom Den Haag
Catherine Biocca
Mizuki Endo
Raphael Fonseca
Yasmijn Jarram
foto: May Heek
Sandino Scheidegger
Florian Weigl
Laila Hida
foto: Dim Balsem
Tereza Jindrová
Joanna Zielinska
foto: Anna Morgowicz
Dewi Bekker
foto: Anne Clair de Breij
Florentijn de Boer
Lydia Buijs
foto: Haris Begic
Iliada Charalambous
Afra Eisma
Paul de Jong
Sjuul Joosen
Anna Sophie de Vries
Joeri Woudstra
Mickey Yang
foto: Tahné Kleijn